Stay +

is a project to gamify positive behaviours of young people during the pandemic and beyond. It seeks to provide an innovative solution for VET professionals that have found it challenging to engage young people (aged 15-21 years old) through the transition to online/distance learning.
The STAY+ Platform will be developed with the overarching objective of empowering young people to become advocates of digital vocational training; with increased awareness of a subject area, health and wellbeing, and how to maintain their own motivation, manage their time and complete tasks.

Photo introduction
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Platform testing

Platform testing is ready! Join the testing of the platform to empower your physical, social and mental wellbeing. The platform is mobile web-app based and allows users to access content on any mobile device. Links for different language versions:

The Opportunity Centre: (in English)
Euroface: (in Czech)
Essenia: (in Italian)
IAAD: (in Turkish)

You can provide us a feedback here.

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Final meeting of partners in Bradford

On March 28-29, 2023, the final meeting of the partners of the STAY+ project took place in Bradford, UK. The main topic was the sharing of experience from the piloting of the created mobile platform in partner countries, analyzing the feedback from teachers and secondary school students with a focus on managing the platform, graphics, content-topics of well-being, methods of obtaining digital rewards, etc.Practical piloting revealed that the support of students' well-being is a very current topic. Particular steps to spread the STAY+ platform to the widest possible audience were discussed.
Practical piloting revealed that the support of students well-being is a very current topic. Particular steps to spread the STAY+ platform to the widest possible audience were discussed.

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Partners meeting in Istanbul

At the beginning of October, a planned meeting of representatives of partner organizations of the STAY+ project took place in Istanbul, Turkiye. It was a combined face-to-face and online meeting. The project is now entering the next phase, a prototype of an application supporting the well-being of students will be presented soon. Furthermore, research is being carried out in all participating countries and a pilot stage of the created outputs is being prepared.

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Stay+ Platform development

The development team works on the design of the platform. The STAY+ mobile-interactive experience will allow young people to earn unique digital merchandise (badges) based on their activity and utilises live data feeds to reward them for positive behaviours and empowering them to improve their health and wellbeing and learning motivation.
Stay+ platform is being developed as a mobile web application.The particular elements of the app are discussed and tested (elements of wellbeing, types of badges, data collections, app´s adaptability etc.)

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Prague hosted the project meeting in March 2022

The first personal meeting of the partners of the Stay + project took place in Prague, 15th to 16th March 2022. The main topic was a joint discussion on the completion of the first output of the project - international research and the creation of a database of examples of good practice to enhance students' wellbeing during distance learning. The results will be published on this site.
From now on, the partner organizations will focus on development of the content and design of a mobile application for young people, which aim is to gamify health and wellbeing improvement, increase students´ motivation and engagement.

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RESEARCH into learner´s wellbeing

Currently, partners consortium realizes research about the impact of Covid-19 on vocational training, on young people’s wellbeing and engagement in learning. Research incorporating desk research in partner countries, questionnaires and interviews will provide best practices and analyse national approaches, opportunities and effective methods being used to support remote learning and learners´ wellbeing. The aim is to produce an online bank of resources for VET trainers and organisations. The research results will be available in March 2022.

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Kick-off meeting of STAY+ project

was held online due to Covid restrictions in September 2021. Partners introduced their organisations and presented how their work relates to the activities of the project. Aspire Igen from the UK, a project coordinator, provided a project overview. Partners shared their experience and ideas to increase the project impact on positive behaviours of young people during the pandemic and beyond. Metropolis project that served as an inspiration for the development of Stay+ has been presented (digital city map guides emphasizing the industrial heritage to young people). The tasks have been specified as well as the timetable and project stages. Next meeting is planned face-to-face in Prague in March 2022.